The PNG Road and Management and Fund Bill introduced to coordinate a management system that looks to promote and ensure adequate funding for the purposes of maintaining and rehabilitating the national road network now has established the PNG Road Fund Authority.

Board members of PNG Road Fund were sworn into office last week. These members included Secretaries for the Departments of Finance, Dr Ken Ngangan, Treasury, Diari Vele, National Planning & Monitoring, Koney Samuel, Works, David Wereh, and Transport, Roy Mumu.

The Board will be chaired by Dr Ngangan who said it will do its best to ensure that the Road Fund grows and that the accountability requirements and management of the funds is done transparently, and independent of any political influence.

The Minister for Works and Implementation, Michael Nali, said the government has acknowledged the need for road maintenance and upgrading however the funds from the National appropriation is normally not enough to cater for the upkeep of the roads. He said with the amended legislation, the board of PNG Road Fund will be able to come up with means and ways to raise funds.

The Government of Papua New Guinea is taking steps to ensure that road projects in the country are supported with a sustainable system of funding.

The board will work with provinces and districts to ensure roadworks are included in their respective funding development strategies.