The PNG Road Fund is established to oversee the collection, disbursement and monitoring of funds for the maintenance, road safety, and rehabilitation of the National Road Network, so that it is available for the passage of persons, vehicles and goods in a safe and efficient manner in order to optimize the contribution of road assets to the economic and social development of Papua New Guinea.
The PNG Road Fund is established under the Road (Management and Fund) Act, 2020 (click on downloads menu to get the act) and has been assigned five key legislative functions. These functions are to:
- Manage the PNG Road Maintenance Trust Fund and oversee the optimal utilisation of the PNG Road Maintenance Fund in implementation of programmes relating to the maintenance and safety of the national road network in accordance with the National Road Network Strategy; and
- Determine the allocation of financial resources from the PNG Road Maintenance Fund and from any other source of funding available to the PNG Road Maintenance Fund, based on a five-year road investment programme approved by the Minister for Works and the Treasurer, for the maintenance and safety of the road networks; and
- Review and provide advice in relation to the availability of funds for annual work-plans and annual budget submissions submitted by road authorities and the Road Traffic Authority; and
- Monitor the progress of road maintenance and safety and provide direction in this regard to road authorities; and
- Measure the performance of road authorities against a set of technical and financial performance indicators and provide periodic reports to the Minister for Finance.
Under the Act, the PNG Road Fund is legally constituted as an independent legal entity that can independently determine its work program within the scope of its legislative mandate, enter into contracts, engage staff, and independently exercise its functions.
Board Director

Secretary for Finance

Mr. Koney Samuel
Secretary for National Planning and Monitoring

Mr. Mathew Wowoni
Deputy Chairman
Acting Secretary for Transport

Mr. John Uware
Nominee director
Treasury Department

Mr. Gibson olemba
Acting Secretary for Works

Mr. Daniel Rolpalgarea
State Solicitor

Mr. Nelson Terema
CEO of Road Transport Authority

Board Member Position
Road Transport Association of PNG Representative

Board Member Position
Chamber of Mines & Petroleum Representative